Until very recently, I had no idea reading styles were a thing. I was aware that some people bought a book and read the book, but put that down to them having some sort of inner self-control that I lacked. Those other strong-willed people didn't have what my mother calls the family 'butterfly brain', putting down books that they are enjoying perfectly well and fluttering off, unable to finish for reasons even they don't understand. I still haven't finished The Binding which I started long before Covid and enjoyed every moment of until I suddenly put it down and never went back. What are you even meant to call that? A temporary DNF? A ODIF (one-day I'll finish?) For those of you who do know about reading styles, it must be painfully obvious that I'm a mood reader. I'm not flawed, I'm not especially weird, and I'm no less disciplined than anyone else. My mood controls what I want to read, and what I can process at any one time. Sometimes the thou...
Book Blogging by Emma Samuel