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Sherlock Gets Seasonal: Festive Sherlockian Stories to Enjoy this December

With the Victorian era being the source of so many Christmas traditions, Victorian stories are a staple of Christmas. A Christmas Carol may be a popular choice, but for a slightly less moralistic read, many adore Arthur Conan Doyle's Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

"I had called upon my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas, with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season." - The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

In it Holmes and Watson work out the series of events that led to a priceless gem being found in a goose. It's a good-humoured and heart-warming tale, and well worth reading if you are looking for a moment of relaxation rather than spooky Dickensian social justice.

But what if you have already read it, and are seeking out more festive Holmes tales? Luckily you are spoiled for choice, as other authors have penned their own festive pastiches... 

What Child is This? by Bonnie Macbird

You may recognise this as one of the books from Festive Reading Challenge. I enjoy Bonnie Macbird's series partly for nostalgia (I attended an event for her first book when I was new to London, and had my first absinthe there!) 

They are fairly workman-like pastiches, making the occasional controversial choice, but enjoyable nonetheless. In my real life job as a voice agent, I also help arrange the audiobook recordings. 

This is her Christmas addition to the series, in which kidnappings and cases are worked on despite Holmes' irritation with the seasonal nonsense, and are all eventually wrapped up in a big bow. 

Sherlock Holmes and the Three Winter Terrors by James Lovegrove

Lovegrove is my favourite modern Holmes writer (of the non-kissing kind, anyway). Whether he's writing traditional pastiches or fantastical Lovecraft adaptations, I've yet to meet his match for writing Holmes and Watson. Instead of labouring under the cliches and stereotypes, they come across as two exceptional, but still human men who absolutely would be friends with each other. His Watson is clever and dependable, delighted by Holmes but not in thrall to him, and his Holmes is genial, passionate but mercurial. 

He has written several books released for Christmas, of which I include two here. 

The Three Winter Terrors is a trilogy of interconnected short stories, in which spooky goings on occur during the winter months. This is perfect for someone who wants a wintry story, without it being outright festive. 

Sherlock Holmes and the Christmas Demon by James Lovegrove 

The second Lovegrove book is unashamedly Christmas-themed, and has all the traits of a good Sherlockian time - a spooky manor, a 'cursed' family, an heiress in a pickle, and Holmes and Watson creeping about the place at all hours. Best read along with a mince pie and a Baileys! 

More Festive Stories...

There are many others that I have yet to read... so if the above isn't enough, I suggest looking at the following titles:

Mrs. Hudson and the Christmas Canary by Martin Davies 

Sherlock Holmes and the Twelve Thefts of Christmas by Tim Major 

The Adventure of the Seven Christmas Cards by Anthony Horowitz 

Merry Christmas!

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