It seems to me that I type the words ' this isn't my usual thing at all, but I loved it ' on a regular basis. So regular, in fact, that you might secretly think that I'm in denial about what my usual thing actually is. But for me the story concept trumps all else. I'll happily try genres I traditionally hate if the summary makes a good case for it. And this one did. Our Wives Under the Sea [Julia Armfield] is literary. It's also about the sea - the clue being in the title - which isn't a subject I find particularly interesting. But the summary did its job, offering a queer love story filled with subtle horror and a Lovecraftian undercurrent. I sat up and took notice. It's about a lesbian couple, Miri and Leah. They are British millennials - cosmopolitan, married, and relatively settled in life. Miri writes grant proposals and Leah is a marine scientist, who vanishes on submarine missions for weeks at a time. But then Leah vanishes for a long, long time...
Book Blogging by Emma Samuel